Matteo Ricci- Student Concert
Experience the inspiring musical, Matteo Ricci- Student Concert, on June 30, 2023, at 7:30 pm at the school hall. Join us for this unforgettable performance, which tells the story of Matteo Ricci, a Jesuit missionary who mastered Chinese culture. Featuring over 100 students and teachers of Wah Yan College, Hong Kong, this concert is a collaborative effort showcasing the talents of our school's community. Wahyanites, don’t hesitate to get your tickets now at See you there!
由香港華仁書院超過一百位師生合力製作的利瑪竇-學生音樂會,將於二〇二三年六月三十日晚上七時半於學校禮堂演出。故事講述利瑪竇由意大利到大明前後廿八年的事, 利瑪竇為了爭取漢人的信任,披荊斬棘,傳揚福音。此音樂會是華仁各人共同協作的成果,實有賴大家的支持!若您對這音樂會感興趣,可經以下鏈結預訂門票:。到時見!
- 2023.05.30 - Webmaster Team
Archery Experience Day
Ready to Experience Something New ? With bows and arrows for all shapes and sizes, our Archery experiences give you the chance to learn new skills, feeling the satisfaction of going for gold.
To sign up, please contact Jason Tong at 9714 2430 (whatsapp). Join us on 17th June
- 2023.05.30 - Nelson Ng '00 (Chairman)
Joint-Associations Happy Hour
We are pleased to announce another joint school (MCS, MSS, WYHK and WYK) happy hour drinks on 3 May (Wed) at HUSO, the Pottinger Hotel in Central. All alumni of the 4 schools are welcome. For registration, please fill in the Google form with the following link:
Hope to see you there!!
- 2023.04.20 - Webmaster Team
Volunteer English Tutors Wanted
Started in 2015 by a group of 1971 WYHK past graduates, the Tin Shui Wai English Tutorial Program has served over 2,500 under-privileged Form 2 to Form 5 secondary school students from 20 schools in Tin Shui Wai and Kwai Chung (after subsequent expansion) since its inception.
One of the key initiatives of the Program comprises weekly pro bono on-site English tutorials given by past WYHK and WYK graduates and their immediate family members to help needy students enhance their interest, confidence and competence in English. Over the years, some 70 volunteer tutors have taken part in this program, giving tutorials on weekdays after school or Saturday mornings.
Although the on-site tutorial program suffered a hiatus during COVID 19, we are now ready and keen to resume normal operation -- we are currently serving 4 schools in Tin Shui Wai and 3 schools in Kwai Chung. To this end, we appeal to the Wah Yan past students community to consider volunteering as tutors so that we can offer our service to more schools and benefit more students, in keeping with the spirit of “Men for and with others”.
If you are interested in taking part or would like to find out more, please contact Herbert Chan (WYHK’79) or Stephen Lam (WYHK’75) by email in the first instance:
Herbert Chan: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Stephen Lam: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
We look forward to hearing from you. In hoc signo vinces!
- 2023.04.20 - Webmaster Team
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