Chris Ng | 吳偉純 |
Chris是華仁書院71'班同學中,大家都懷念及尊敬的一位好同學。畢業後,曾積極籌辦及參與班71'活動,好關心同學景況。雖然四散各方,Chris仍努力維持、促進同學間聯絡,經常在港參與及籌辦71'班活動,更編輯及定期更新同學通訊錄,全賴Chris的努力,近半世紀後至今,在港和旅居海外的同學,仍然可以互通消息、保持聯絡,更能在71'班聚會中,大家見面敍舊,向幾位在港健在的老師問好。Chris生前為凝聚、團結71'班同學,付出過的努力,大家會好感恩,在天國安息的這位好同學,仍活在同學心中。 |
Gary Ching | 程瀚陞 |
In Memoriam: Gary Ching (Class of 1986) It is with deep sorrow and heavy hearts that we announce the untimely passing of Gary Ching, a distinguished member of our Wah Yan family. Gary's journey with Wah Yan began in his Form 1 classroom in 1981, where, although brief, his connection to our alma mater grew immensely over the years. Gary was not just an alumnus; he was an unwavering supporter and one of the longest serving Past Presidents within the PSA Council. His dedication and commitment to the Wah Yan spirit were unparalleled. Many may remember him not only as a stalwart alumnus but as the son of the late Philip Ching, a prominent figure in our Wah Yan world. A man of clear and independent ideas, Gary embodied the true essence of the PSA. He was vocal about his thoughts, principled in his beliefs, yet always open-minded to diverse opinions. With a seasoned background in finance, Gary seamlessly blended meticulous attention to detail with a visionary understanding of the bigger picture. From 2013, Gary selflessly devoted ten years of his life to the role of PSA Honorary Treasurer, contributing his financial expertise after completing his terms as PSA Chairman in 2011 and President in 2013. His days were dedicated to Wah Yan, and his nights were filled with love for our alma mater. Gary's love extended beyond the physical walls of Wah Yan; it reached out to the Jesuits, whom he admired deeply. Gary's passion for bringing people together was evident in the regular gatherings he organized, celebrating the birthdays of various Jesuit Fathers. He orchestrated moments that brought smiles to countless faces, single-handedly fostering a sense of community and camaraderie. A man of fine taste, Gary made no secret of his love for good food, a drink or two, and engaging conversations. His image, with a smile on his face, holding a glass of red wine in one hand and savouring a fine lamb curry, lingers vividly in our minds. Gary's premature departure leaves a void at Wah Yan, taking away a great alumnus, a dear friend, and an exceptionally good person from our midst. Though sadness envelops us, we find solace in knowing that Gary departed peacefully, spared from the burdens of suffering. Gary Ching, Class of 1986, Past President, and son of the late Uncle Philip, your absence leaves a profound void. We will miss you dearly, but we find comfort in the belief that we shall meet again, soon enough. May you rest in eternal peace. |
Fr. John Russell, S.J. | 劉勝義神父 |
善勝仁心厚 香港大學利瑪竇宿舍前舍監耶穌會劉勝義神父(Reverend Father John C. Russell, S.J.)於2023年9月22日於聖保祿醫院息勞歸主,享耆壽97歲。本舍宿生與校友均感哀痛,並對劉神父家人致以深切慰問。 劉神父生於1926年8月24日生於愛爾蘭都柏林,自幼立志成為耶穌會士侍奉天主。劉神父1957年晉鐸,在1962年畢業為羅馬額我略大學教會法律博士,是天主教香港教區內少數教會法律專家,曾任教區法庭前任首席大法官,也是善終服務組織善寧會創辦人之一,並曾任「公教婚姻輔導會」顧問等。 劉神父於1978-1990年擔任香港大學利瑪竇宿舍舍監,神父言傳身教,循循善誘,春風化雨,育才無數。神父更熱心弘揚天主教教育理念,從事各種社會服務,在教育和社會服務等不同方面辛勤耕耘,貢獻傑出。 劉神父行為世範,學貫中西,為天主和本港奉獻一生,風儀行止令人嗟嘆欽羡,宿友自宜見其賢而思以齊焉。 |
Lawrence Tse | 謝錦明 |
Mr. TSE Kam-ming Laurence, one of our Founding Members and an alumnus of WYHK Class 1969, passed away in peace on 23 May 2022. A.K.A. “Jai Gor”, Mr. Tse orchestrated and produced the first mass-scale concert for Wah Yan at the Hong Kong Exhibition and Convention Centre in 2003, leading to the formation of the Foundation in 2004. In 2007, Jai Gor masterminded the launch of “Dream Campaign”, a massive fundraising drive, with Fr. Alfred Deignan SJ as the “Dreamer” in the driving seat. His relentless efforts gathered some substantial funding, benefiting generations of young Wahyanites and setting a milestone for the Foundation. In 2022, Jai Gor created “Wah Yan 100+ Music Festival”, a first-of-its-kind showcase of Wah Yan’s music development, to kick start a new fundraising drive “Bloom Campaign” and reunite with his friends through songs and laughter. Unfortunately the event was halted due to anti-epidemic measures. Soon we are reinstating the Festival, the only unfinished project of Jai Gor, not only for him but also for all of us. Mr. Tse’s fighting spirit cemented many members of the Wah Yan Community together. He will be fondly missed and his selfless love for Wah Yan will drive the Foundation to continue the work for betterment of the two Wah Yans. |
Andy Chan | 陳國頌 |
In memory of Mr. Chan Kwok Chung, Andy 陳國頌 (Class of WYHK 1987; School Head Prefect and Student Ambassador 1987-88), sharing by Warren Yim 嚴文強 (Class of WYHK 1987). Andy passed away peacefully on 13th May 2022 at the age of 52. 還記得小二第一天返回番禺會所華仁小學的班房裏, |
Philip Ching | 程耀樑 |
Philip graduated from Wah Yan College Hong Kong (the “School” or “Wah Yan”) in 1954. The incessant love and dedication of Philip to his alma mater has been demonstrated through his distinguished services and contributions in different areas of the Wah Yan Community, including Wah Yan (Hong Kong) Past Students Association, Wah Yan International Conference, the Students of the Year Scheme (SOYS), the 15th Hong Kong Scout Group (XVHK), Wah Yan Dramatic Society and several Wah Yan school development projects. Philip served as Council Member, Chairman and President of the Wah Yan (Hong Kong) Past Students Association (“PSA”) in the 1980s (八十年代) and afterward in the capacity of past president to continue his active participation in the PSA Council by giving different constructive ideas to enrich the services of the Wahyanites to the School. He also set up a scholarship “Fr. Grogan Memorial Award” awarded yearly to the students with distinguished service & loyalty to Wah Yan. Philip was one of the major organizers of the Wah Yan International Conference (“WYIC”) which was held every two years in different cities in the world starting from 1988. WYIC is one of the important events for Wah Yan alumni across the globe to meet together and to better understand the well-being of each other as well as to keep informed the latest development of the two Wah Yan Colleges in Hong Kong and Kowloon. As initiated by Philip in 1987 and supported by PSA, the Students of the Year Scheme (“SOYS”) is an innovative and lavish idea, which aims at broadening the mind of the current students and promoting good relationship between the PSA and its overseas chapters of PSA. In each academic year, there will be a nomination of 6 students among all F.6 students based on their overall academic performance, demonstrable leadership quality, organization ability, and proven record of services to fellow Wahyanites, the School and the Hong Kong community. Three of the six elected candidates will then be nominated by members of the teaching staff and the Students of the Year Society as “Students of the Year”. The three Students of the Year are then interviewed by a selection panel comprised of Past Presidents and key officials of the PSA for the selection of a “Student Ambassador” who will represent the PSA to visit one of the overseas chapters of PSA. The SOYS and the Students of the Year Society that formed in 2004 have continuously contributed to the well-being of Wah Yan and the community at large. Philip is one of the most prominent old scouts of 15th HK Group (Wah Yan scouts) (“XVHK”). He had laid down a solid foundation, upon which, XVHK has been developed as a very outstanding scout group in Hong Kong. Philip joined XVHK as a scout in 1948 when he was admitted to Wah Yan and since then, he had greatly involved in the activities and the development of the XVHK and the Scout Association of Hong Kong all through his life. He has been the XVHK troop leader. He formed the Sea-scouts group in XVHK. He also established the “Scout of the Year” in XVHK and awarded the overseas visit to the Scout of the Year. In addition, he established the scouts-parents association and re-organized the BP Old Scout Club of XVHK in the 90s. Philip had served as committee member, vice-chairman and chairman of the Executive Committee of the Scout Association of Hong Kong for many years. He worked with many other scouts, especially those Wahyanite scouts including Dr. Chau Chamson, Sir Gordon Wu and Dr. Patrick Wu etc., in building the Headquarters of the Scout Association of Hong Kong in Tsim Sha Tsui. He has been one of the key scouts in the development of XVHK and Scouts in Hong Kong. Philip had worked with Mr. Wong Chin Wah since the 1980s in the Wah Yan Dramatic Society which was established in 1947 by Mr. Wong to perform Cantonese opera using English. These “Cantonese Operas in English” not only allow foreigners to appreciate the culture of Cantonese operas, but also help to raise funds for different charitable organizations, including several Wah Yan school development projects. Philip is fondly remembered as Uncle Philip by the young generations and he is very pleased to witness many Wahyanites are now following his footsteps to contribute to Wah Yan and XVHK. Philip passed away peacefully on 19th January 2022 at the age of 86. He will be remembered truly as “A Man For and With Others”. |
Fr. Seán Coghlan, S. J.
谷紀賢神父 |
Born in Limerick, Ireland, Fr. Coghlan became a Jesuit in 1951 and was ordained in 1965 before professing his final vows at Wah Yan College, Hong Kong in 1970. At Wah Yan College, Kowloon, Fr. Coghlan was Rector and student counsellor in the 1970s before teaching full time in the 1980s. Fr. Coghlan was Principal of Wah Yan Hong Kong from 1988 to 1996, and then became the longest serving Warden of Ricci Hall at the University of Hong Kong. An unimposing figure, his cheerfulness and care for Wahyanites always made us feel warm and at home. He touched our hearts with his kindness and showed us how to be a man for and with others. He was our teacher, our guide, our counsellor and our example. While saddened by his passing, we are content with the faith that he went on to greener pastures and the gratitude for his warmth and care. Funeral arrangements: Funeral Mass will be held at 10 a.m. on 25 September, 2021, at St. Ignatius’ Chapel, Wah Yan College, Kowloon. The Mass will be presided over by His Eminence John Cardinal Tong, Apostolic Administrator of the Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong. Burial will be at St. Michael's Cemetery, Happy Valley right after the Funeral Mass. |
Daniel MAK Wah Hung | 麥華雄 |
Mr. MAK Wah Hung Daniel (麥華雄), founder and leader of the Wah Yan charitable initiative, the Tin Shui Wai English Tutorial Project, passed away on 27 February 2021, at the age of 67. Daniel graduated from Wah Yan College Hong Kong in 1971. His commitment to serving the community had rewarded with him with a fruitful career in the Hong Kong civil service for over 20 years, having served in multiple government departments. Upon retirement, Daniel devoted himself wholeheartedly to community service. He volunteered with Sowers Action, an organisation dedicated to helping the disadvantaged realise their rights to education. In April 2015, Daniel worked with his fellow Wah Yan alumni to start the Tin Shui Wai English Tutorial Project, the objective of which was to provide free onsite English tutorial service to help underprivileged and ethnic minority F.2-6 students to improve their English and integrate into Hong Kong society. In this project particularly, Daniel had impressed on the students that a meaningful life was not about getting rich or attaining academic success, but being someone who is willing to help others in need. This project has also unified over 60 Wah Yan alumni and friends to give back to the society by teaching over 2000 students in 20 schools in Tin Shui Wai and Kwai Chung in the past 6 years. True to his Wahyanite calling to be ‘man for and with others’, Daniel had always cared for others and found deep joy serving others throughout his life. Daniel’s active leadership and participation in an array of charitable projects and initiatives had blessed him with rich relationships with various communities and Wah Yan alumni in Hong Kong, Canada, Singapore and other parts of the world. He had not only helped those in need, but also touched and inspired many others to uphold the spirit of Wah Yan to serve others. Daniel’s contributions to the community had been immense. He will be greatly missed. Details of the funeral service are as follows: May Daniel rest in peace. |
Wallace YIU Hi Cheong | 姚起昌 |
With great sorrow, we mourn the passing of our dear alumnus and friend, Wallace YIU Hi Cheong. After combating cancer for some months, he passed away peacefully on 19 March 2019 in Canossa Hospital, Hong Kong. He is survived and will be dearly remembered by his wife, Catherine, and sons Chester and Josh. A graduate of Wah Yan College Hong Kong Class of 1975, Wallace furthered his study at the Hong Kong Polytechnic and had a distinguished career in accounting and financial fields, before retiring in 2017. Wallace has been a long-time member and fervent supporter of the Wah Yan community. His incessant love for and dedication to his alma mater led him to serve as Council Member, Chairman, and President of the Wah Yan College Past Students Association in the 2000s. He also actively supported the work of Wah Yan One Family Foundation and Hong Kong International Institute of Educational Leadership founded by the late Fr. Alfred Deignan, and went to great lengths to care for the well-being of the Jesuit fathers in Hong Kong and the bonding of the alumni of the two Wah Yan colleges. He will be remembered truly as “a man for and with others”. Funeral arrangements have been made as follows: Vigil: 20:00, 9 April 2019 at Hong Kong Funeral Home, North Point |
Fr. Alfred Deignan | 狄恆神父 | ![]() It is with deep sorrow that Fr. Alfred Deignan left this world for his Eternal Home from St. Paul's Hospital, Hong Kong at 03:43 on 11 December 2018. Fr. Deignan's life has been an embodiment of the loving-compassionate God. He is now meeting the Source of Love and Compassion face to face. May he continue to pray for us who are trying our best to live a good life in the world. Funeral Notice Final Tribute to Fr. Deignan (瞻仰遺容) – starts at 8:30 a.m. and ends at 10:45 a.m. Funeral Mass – 11:00 a.m. at St. Ignatius Chapel. The School Hall will be used for the overflow. Burial – St. Michael’s Catholic Cemetery, Happy Valley, immediately after the Funeral Mass Please refrain from sending wreaths or floral arrangements for the Funeral. Donations in cheques can be accepted: for Wah Yan College, Kowloon (payable to “Fr. Kelly Educational Fund Limited”) for Wah Yan College, Hong Kong (payable to “The Wah Yan College, Hong Kong Jesuit Education Trust”) for Ricci Hall (payable to “The Ricci Hall Trust”) Should you like to receive receipts for your donations, please kindly include your return address clearly printed. |
Mr. Raymond YU Pui Lam | 余沛霖先生 |
Mr. Raymond Yu passed away peacefully on Wednesday, June 13, 2018 at Vancouver General Hospital, at the age of 86. He was predeceased by his beloved wife Cecilia. He is survived and will be lovingly remembered by his soul mate whom he was blessed with during the autumn of his life, Ms. Mrilyn Wai; by his children, Vincent (Sheryn), Angelina, Edmund, Christine, Brenda (Ernest) & Belinda; by his grandchildren, Adrian, Kevin, Natalie & Ethan. Mr. Yu was a graduate of Wah Yan College Hong Kong Class of 52. After graduating from WYCHK, he went on to study at the University of Hong Kong Arts Faculty. Upon graduation from university, Fr. Cyril J. Barrett S.J. recruited Mr. Yu back to WYCHK to join the teaching staff. During his teaching years, he has taught English, Chinese & Mathematics. He also coached the school football team and attained for the school two championships. In 1968, Mr. Yu was appointed the first ever Assistant Principal position at Wah Yan College Hong Kong. And he remained at this post until his early retirement to immigrate to Canada in 1986. Outside of Wah Yan, Mr. Yu’s community service includes the Civil Aid Service 民眾安全服務隊(民安隊)whom honour him with an M.B.E. while serving as Deputy Cadet Commandant. While teaching at Wah Yan as well as in his retirement, Mr. Yu has always been a pillar of our alumni community. He was a President of the Wah Yan (HK) Past Students Association. And since moving to Vancouver, he has been an advisor to the local Chapter there. He is also a regular at various classes’ gathering, many times he flew back to Hong Kong just because his students asked him to attend their class reunion. In his personal life, Mr. Yu enjoyed singing, ballroom dancing, badminton as well as mahjong. Mr. Yu would be sorely missed & remembered by his family, friends, colleagues & students. And especially by the School and the Past Students Association. May he rest in peace. Mr. Yu’s funeral arrangement is below: A Memorial Mass will take place on Saturday, July 28 at Wah Yan College Hong Kong to remember the life of our beloved Mr. Raymond Yu. |
Fr. Joseph Mallin | 連民安神父 |
Fr Joseph Mallin, long-time advisor of the PSA and founding school principal of Pun U Association Wah Yan Primary School (PUWY), passed away peacefully and returned to the Lord he served on Easter Sunday, April 1, 2018. The funeral Mass for the respected Fr Mallin was held at the St. Ignatius Chapel in WYCK on April 14, 2018. The Mass, with Bishop Michael Yeung being the Main Celebrant, was followed by burial at St Michael's Cemetery Happy Valley. Fr Mallin was, and will continue to be, a cornerstone of Wah Yan. After he was ordained on 31 July 1946, Fr Mallin arrived in Hong Kong and proceeded to Guangzhou in 1948, returning to the city the year after. Prior to his decades-long tenure at PUWY, he taught at WYCHK and WYCK during his earlier days in Hong Kong. Bishop Yeung touched upon fond memories of Fr Mallin that many Wahyanites share. He said that Fr Mallin’s practice of jotting down details of each student in his notebook, the melodious flute music he had played for a wide audience, and his tireless attempts to direct the after-school traffic in Shiu Fai Terrace would be long-remembered by many. Fr Stephen Chow, supervisor of WYCHK and the Provincial of the Chinese Jesuit Province, attributed the core values and strong brotherhood of Wahyanites to Fr Mallin’s devotion to education. He added that Wahyanites would continue to live by the values the Society of Jesus and Fr Mallin had instilled in them. Wahyanites and their families will surely not forget Fr Mallin’s dedication to the Lord and the Society of Jesus, his willingness to serve the community, his care for the students and the poor, and the beautiful flute music he shared. May Fr Mallin rest in the bosom of our Lord. Amen. For I am sure that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.”– Romans 8:38-39 |
Michael Leung | 梁文建 |
以最深切的悲傷,通知你們,梁文建先生MR. Michael Leung, CBE, JP經過長時間的疾病於2017年6月5日與世長辭. 將於2017年6月13日星期期二於香港殯儀館出殯.Fr. John Russell,SJ於当日上午9時30分在該館做彌撒後即辭靈出殯。 梁文建先生MR. Michael Leung, CBE, JP 1938年生于香港。1958年毕業于香港华仁书院。1965年毕业于香港大学,获荣誉文学士学位,毕业后即在香港政府工作,先在布政司署财政与总务科服务,任政务主任、助理布政司。1966年赴英国牛津大学深造。1967年返港,任荃湾理民府助理理民官。1969年任东区民政主任。1971年职级升为高级政务主任,1972年任布政司署助理财政司。1974年升为首长级丙级政务官,1975年任首席助理财政司。1977年任助理民政署长。1978年任副民政署长。1980年任布政司署副社会事务司、教育署副署长,职级升为首长级乙级政务官,1984年任教育署署长。1985年被委任为立法局议员。1987年升任为运输司。1988年又被委任为立法局议员。1993年出任教育统筹司。1996-1997年梁文建是首位華裔總督特派廉政專員。 |
Peter Lau | 劉德亮 |
WYHKPSA is sad to note the passing of Peter Tak-Leung Lau 劉德亮 (1951-2017), a WYCHK alumnus graduating in the 1960s. He passed away at his home in Springfield, New Jersey on March 14, 2017 after a brief illness. Peter was one the chief organizers of Wah Yan International Conference 2012 in New York. He was passionate about community service, and his cheerful and energetic personality will be remembered by many Wah Yan alumni. He is survived by his wife and two daughters, to whom we send our deepest condolences. Peter’s guestbook can be signed here. |
Wilson WONG Po Hang | 黃寶鏗 |
With great sadness, we mourn the passing away of Mr. Wilson WONG Po Hang 黃寶鏗先生, a 1963 Form V graduate of Wah Yan College Hong Kong and the President of Wah Yan (H.K.) Past Students Association in 1986-1987. Wilson was an active member of the 15th HKG Scout and the Wah Yan Golf Society. Through his company, Mandarin Productions Ltd., he rendered impeccable printing services to our Alma Mater and the PSA. Invariably courteous and soft-spoken, Wilson made good company in all occasions and through all activities. His departure will be felt by many Wahyanites for a long time to come. May his soul rest in peace. Our deepest condolences to his beloved wife Sylvia, his son Alvin and the rest of his family. |
Peter Hall | 賀錦平 |
Peter Hall was born in Hong Kong on 6th September 1925. He was the first Chairman of the Wah Yan (Hong Kong) Past Students' Association which was established in 1969 when the original WYPSA (that had both WYCHK and WYCK alumni as its members) was divided into two, the WYHKPSA and the WYKPSA, "as each year the number of graduates increases" – The Star 1969). Uncle Peter (as he was fondly called and remembered by many) was the only Chairman and later President of WYHKPSA who had never studied in either the Robinson Road or the Queen's Road East campus. He studied in the Nelson Street campus of WYCK between 1933 and 1941, after which Hong Kong went through the difficult period of Japanese occupation. (The provision of admitting WYCK alumni who graduated before August 1968 as members is still in the Articles of Association of WYHKPSA.) Asked why the newly incorporated WYHKPSA elected him as its first Chairman in 1969, he jokingly replied that it was because he "lived on Hong Kong Island!" (interview in September 2004). The real reason might be Uncle Peter's distinguished leadership of the original WYPSA, his great spirit of service and his friendly temperament. He served as the President of the WYPSA from 1961 onwards, and as Chairman of the succeeding WYHKPSA from its incorporation in 1969 until 1971, after which he served as President again until 1976. It was extraordinary for Uncle Peter, who had never studied in WYCHK, to contribute so much as PSA Chairman, President and later Past President, to the scholarships, campus improvement works, student activities and many other aspects of WYCHK. On top of all this, his period of service in the WYPSA and WYHKPSA overlapped much with the other areas of his distinguished record of community service, especially in the Rotary Club (in which he served for over 55 years including as District Governor), the Scout Association of Hong Kong (for over two decades including as Chairman of HK Island Region) and the Hong Kong Juvenile Care Centre (which was founded to educate prisoners under 18, served as President and remained on its board until his death), but also in the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals, Po Leung Kuk, Pok Oi Hospital, etc.. Uncle Peter was also a successful entrepreneur in the restaurant industry, and he practised his Catholic faith devoutly. This lifelong passion for food and devotion to a Catholic life might already be there during his adolescence, as he recalled the following when asked what he remembered most about the Nelson Street campus of WYCK: "Red bean soup was sold at one cent a bowl, ice cream one cent a cup, five cents would allow you enjoy a really big lunch! Every Friday was fasting day, and a fish-shape notice board carrying the words ‘Fish Day' would appear in the tuck-shop!" (interview in September 2004) Uncle Peter passed away on 5 February 2016. His memorial booklet carried the following testimony that reflected he was truly a "Man for and with Others", long before the coining of the term: "Once, when asked how he managed to lead and manage so many organizations and projects, Peter said simply that he did the jobs no one else wanted to do. This attitude and his profound humility were consistent with the kind of man Peter was, one who put in countless hours of hard work without complaint or need for recognition … Peter Hall was loved, admired, and deeply respected by all who were fortunate to be touched and blessed by his kind heart. He did so much to change so many lives for the better, and his profound legacy will live forever." Uncle Peter will be best remembered by Wah Yan alumni by following his generous spirit of dedicated service. May he rest in peace. |
Fr. Anthony Farren, S.J. | 范育倫神父 |
Fr. Anthony Farren S.J., who returned to Ireland in 2001 where he lived in retirement in Galway after almost 50 years' service in Hong Kong, died on 26 December 2015. Fr. Farren entered the Jesuits in 1942, came to Hong Kong in 1950 and was ordained a priest in 1956. He was principal of Wah Yan College Kowloon (WYCK) during 1960-66 and then moved to Wah Yan College, Hong Kong (WYCHK) until 1978. During these twelve years, apart from teaching he also looked after the Jesuit Community as Minister, the Catholic student groups, especially the Altar Society and the Christian Life Community. He returned to WYCK in 1978 and was its Supervisor between 1986 and 1997. He then returned to the Hong Kong side and taught as a voluntary teacher until 2000. He began his parish work in Galway after his operation in Ireland in 2001, and was last visited by a Wah Yan delegation in April 2014 when the WYK Senior Choir sang in front of him at the Cherryfield Jesuit nursing home in Dublin. Fr. Farren was buried in his home town Carndonagh on 29 Dec 2015 and a Memorial Mass was offered for him at WYCK on 13 Jan 2016. May he rest in peace. |
Dr. Hui Zan Lam, Alphonsus | 許穗林 |
Dr. Hui Zan Lam Alphonsus, passed away in a car accident in Vancouver on Saturday, November 14, 2015 at the age of 68. Alphonsus graduated from Wah Yan College Hong Kong in 1965 and obtained the medical degree from the University of Toronto in 1973. Dr. Hui was a kind-hearted and renowned doctor who had great contribution towards the public health of the Chinese community in Vancouver. He insisted not to retire and continue to serve the public. Alphonsus was the chairman of New Life Stem Cell who co-organizes annual Stem Cell Health Seminar with Vancouver Chinatown New Century Lions Club. He was also a frequent speaker of the medical seminars organized by the Vancouver Cathay Lions Club and the Vancouver Chinatown New Century Lions Club. Alphonsus will be missed and remembered by all his patients, family and friends in both Hong Kong and Vancouver, and by Wah Yan College Hong Kong and Wah Yan (Hong Kong) Past Students Association. |
Stephen Yow | 邱木城 |
Mr. Stephen Yow passed away peacefully on Sunday, August 9, 2015 at the Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital at the age of 74. Beloved husband of Pamela, and loving father of Vivian, Wayne, Winthrop, William & Grace. Stephen was a well-respected businessman & philanthropist. He graduated from Wah Yan College, Hong Kong in 1960 and served as President of the Past Students Association in 1985-86. Other than being a long-term major supporter of the development of Wah Yan, Stephen has also been actively engaged in a wide range of public services for the betterment of the local community. Served as Honorary Advisor of Women's Welfare Club Western District, Executive Committee Member of the Brighter Future Foundation, Vice-President of Hong Kong Island Region of Scout Association, Vice-Chairman of the Yan Chai Hospital, Chairman of Tung Wah Group of Hospitals, just to name a few. After funeral service on Friday, August, 21, 2015 in Hong Kong, Stephen's body will return to Toronto for burial. Stephen will be missed and remembered by all his family and friends in both Hong Kong & Toronto. And especially by the School & Past Students Association. |
Vincent Lau | 劉瑞林 |
Vincent passed away peacefully surrounded by his loving family on May 19, 2013 at his home in Richmond BC. Vincent was the oldest member of our Wah Yan College Vancouver Chapter. A celebration of life service was held at 10:00 am, Thursday, May 30 at Vancouver Crematorium Fraser Street, Vancouver. BC. (Grad 1941) (Johnnie Lo Vancouver BC) |
Fr Ciaran Kane, S.J. | 冀世安神父 |
Dear Fellow Alumni of WYHK and WYK, |
Mr. Ng Yue Chow | 吳汝洲老師 |
The College is sad to announce that Mr. Ng Yue Chow(吳汝洲老師), who suffered from cancer, passed away peacefully this morning due to complications casued by pneumonia at Princess Margaret Hospital. Mr. Ng had served in Wah Yan for 15 years. His dedication to the promotion of Chinese music in the College and the setting up of the Chinese Orchestra of Wah Yan, and his popularity among students are without question. The vigil will be held at the Hong Kong Funeral Home, North Point (香港殯儀館) on 7 September 2012 (Fri), starting from 5 p.m. The funeral ritual will be held on 8 September 2012 (Sat) at 9:00 a.m. at the Hong Kong Funeral Home followed by cremation. |
Sammy Chiu Shuk-Ming ('38) | 趙叔明 |
It is to our great sadness that our eldest member in Ontario, Canada, Sammy Chiu Shuk-Ming (趙叔明 WYCHK '38) passed away early this month at the age of 92. He was the Scoutmaster of the 1st Hong Kong Sea Scout Group before WWII. After Scout activities were stopped during the War, Sammy helped in resuming the Group's normal operations. As for those who known him through the Ontario Alumni Association, many will remember his support to the Association till his late-80s and his stunning singing performance at our gatherings. |
Mr. Wong Chung Tai | 王寵帶老師 |
Mr. Wong Chung Tai 王寵帶先生, our retired teacher, passed away peacefully on 30 January 2012 at the age of 92. |
Wong Chung Ming | 黃仲明 |
We are sad to announce that Wong Chung Ming (黃仲明) of Class 1981 passed |
Fr. Frank Doyle, S.J. |
The funeral of Fr. Francis Doyle, S.J. has been set for Tuesday, 22 March 2011. The funeral mass is at 8:30 am at the Oratory of the Loyola House of Studies, Ateneo de Manila University Campus. Fr. Mark Raper, S.J., President of the Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific(JCAP) will preside over and give the homily. Interment will follow at the Jesuit cemetery of Sacred Heart Novitiate, Novaliches, Quezon City....more |
Bro. Lawrence Thoo, S.J. | 杜管福修士 |
Bro. Thoo was the Sportsmaster of WYHK from 1967 until 1971 when he left for the U.S.A. in January. He started the Judo Club on 17th February 1968 and set up Junior Red Cross Cadet Unit-34 with Mr. A. Lee. He was our B-grade football coach and spent much effort promoting badmington in our school. Bro. Thoo was also the spiritual director of the Altar Society.....more |
Mr. John Yeung ('93) | 楊顯瑜老師 |
Our Wah Yan brother Mr. John Yeung (‘93) after struggling with his cancer for few weeks passed away peacefully on 13th January 2011, with his wife and parents and good friends around.....more |
Mr. Paul Wong ('64) | 黃浩懷 | It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Paul Wong 黃浩懷, (class of 64) on Saturday July, 24, 2010. Paul was very active supporting the Ontario Chapter of the Alumni Association. He served on the Executive Committee for many years and was instrumental in organizing Alumni activities. Funeral Service and visitation will be held at R.S. Kane Funeral Home (6150 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada). Visitation: Friday, August 6, 2010 between 6:00 pm and 9:00 pm. Funeral Service : Saturday, August 7, 2010 at 11:00am Committal will be at York Cemetery following the service.
Dr. Yau Chi Hi | 游賜禧醫生 | Passed away on January 18, 2010 in Toronto. Chi Hi Yau was a 1968 Form 5 graduate from Wah Yan College, H. K, S. J. During secondary school he represented Wah Yan to compete at the Hong Kong Music Festival in "poetry recitation" and won several honors for our Alma Mater. He finished Upper 6 Science in 1970, also at Wah Yan, before moving to the United States to start college. He graduated from Princeton University with a baccalaureate degree in 1974 and went on to study medicine at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City, graduating with an M.D. degree in 1977....more |
Mr. Robert Chung Chan Fan | 鐘燦鈖老師 | |
Matthew Tsui Man Cheung | 徐萬祥 | Mr. Matthew Tsui Man Cheung, devoted father of Bartholomew, John, Beatrice, Bernadette, Elizabeth, Gregory, James and Ambrose, Father-in-law of Louise, Mimi, Edmund, Edward, Christina, Rosa and Zhengwei, grandfater of Priscilla, Irene, Winnie, Benjamin, Kathy, Ernest, Martin, Stefanie and Sean, passed away peacefully on 22nd February 2009 at Canossa Hospital. Matthew, 7th son of Mr. Peter Tsui, the founder of Wah Yan College, was admitted to Wah Yan in 1934. Vigil will begin at 5:00 pm at the Hong Kong Funeral Home, North Point, on 6th March (Friday). Rev. Fr. Baptista S.J. will officiate at the funeral service to be held at 8:00 am on 7th March (Saturday). The hearse will depart Hong Kong Funeral Home at 9:00 am for Cheung Sha Wan Catholic Cemetery. |
Mr. Leung Kai Wing | 梁啓榮老師 |
Funeral service arrangements: Message written by Matthew Fong and posted by W.S. Lo |
Dr. Raymond C. W. Wong | 黃志偉 | We mourn the passing away of Dr. Raymond C. W. Wong on 4th December 2008 (Thursday). During his days in Wah Yan, Raymond managed to remain both as an A-student and a member of the school's football team. He graduated from Form 5A in 1960 and stayed on for Lower and Upper 6. For many years, Raymond maintained a keen interest in past students activities and was the President of our PSA in 1994-95. Fr. Deignan will officiate at Raymond's funeral service to be held in the Hong Kong Funeral Home, North Point, at 9:30 am on 20th December (Saturday) and at the cremation service that will follow. |
Augustine Cheung Chi Kwong | 章志光 | Matriculated in 1938 |
Mr. Lawrence O'Hoy | 雷振武 | Admitted to WYHK in 1938 |
Stephen Leung Cheung Hung | 梁祥鴻 | Class of 1967 |
Andy Hung Chi Yin | 洪志賢 | Class of 1996 |
Rev. Fr. P. Brady S.J. | ||
Christopher Lau Wai Ip | 劉偉業 | Class of 1988 |
Mr. Adrian C.H. Lee | Teacher | |
Rev. Fr. Donal Tayloar S.J. | ||
Mr. Ambrose Wong Wing Hong | 黃永康 | Class of 1966 |
Rev. Fr. Joe Foley S.J. | 霍理義神父 | |
Mr. Dominic Lam Puy-Chung | 林培中 | Class of 1975 |
Mr. Francis Kong | 江之鈞 | Class of 1953 |
Mr. Luk Ka Shiu | 陸家韶 | Class of 1952 |
Rev. Fr. Albert Chan, S.J. | 陳綸緒神父 | Class of 1934 |
Mr. Lo Ka Hing (also known as Lo Kai Chiu) |
盧家興 (盧啟超) |
Admitted to Wah Yan in 1934 |
Rev. Fr. Joseph Tai, S.J. | 戴雨谷神父 | |
Kenneth Suen | Class 1971. President of Vancouver Chapter from 1990-91. | |
Mr. Alan Li Fook Sum | 李福深 | Admitted to Wah Yan in 1952 |
Rev. Fr. Patrick O'Rourke, S.J | Details here and Funeral Service here | |
Rev. Fr. Edward Collins, S.J. | Rev. Fr. Edward Collins, S.J., beloved brother of the late Rev. Fr. John Collins, S.J., passed away on Thursday 27 Feb 2003 at the age of 87. Requim Mass at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday 4 Mar, in the Christ the King Chapel, St. Paul's, Causeway Bay, followed by burial in the Happy Valley Catholic Cemetery. | |
LEUNG Chi Hung Joseph | 梁志鴻 | Class of 1978. Passed away February 2003. |
Mr. Jeffrey S.W. Chow | 周誠蔚 | Admitted to Wah Yan in 1954 passed away in his sleep on 11th January 2003.... |
Mr. So Shiu Kwan | 蘇兆焜 | Admitted to Wah Yan in 1933. One of the Founding Members of the Wah Yan Past Students Association. |
Mr. Tang Man Chan | 鄧文燦 | Old Boy of early 50's |
Mr. Michael Cheng Po Hong | Teacher | |
Dr. Gerald Hugh Choa | 蔡永業 | 1938 (Class 1) |
Mr. Yung Ming Kin | Teacher | |
Mr. Lo Kwok Yuen | Teacher | |
Mr. Andrew Li Cheong Wai | 李昌偉 | Class of 1972 |
Fr. Francis McGaley, S.J. | ||
Mr. Mak Hing Cheung | 麥 慶 彰 | |
Mr. William Chin Chin Wai | Teacher | |
Mr Chan Shek Seun | 陳石蓀老師 | Teacher |
Brian Wong | 黃志堅 | Class of 1967 |