Matteo Ricci- Student Concert

Experience the inspiring musical, Matteo Ricci- Student Concert, on June 30, 2023, at 7:30 pm at the school hall. Join us for this unforgettable performance, which tells the story of Matteo Ricci, a Jesuit missionary who mastered Chinese culture. Featuring over 100 students and teachers of Wah Yan College, Hong Kong, this concert is a collaborative effort showcasing the talents of our school's community. Wahyanites, don’t hesitate to get your tickets now at See you there!

由香港華仁書院超過一百位師生合力製作的利瑪竇-學生音樂會,將於二〇二三年六月三十日晚上七時半於學校禮堂演出。故事講述利瑪竇由意大利到大明前後廿八年的事, 利瑪竇為了爭取漢人的信任,披荊斬棘,傳揚福音。此音樂會是華仁各人共同協作的成果,實有賴大家的支持!若您對這音樂會感興趣,可經以下鏈結預訂門票:。到時見!

- 2023.05.30 - Webmaster Team